Patent Specification Service

Patent Drafting

We have drafted and filed more than 1000 patent specifications across multiple fields of technology  We have not only simply drafted patent specification but also successfully  prosecuted and defended them before more than 60 jurisdictions.


This gives us direct expertise and experience in drafting the patent specification to overcome all kind of legal challenges pertaining to eligibility, novelty, inventive step, sufficiency and enablement, together with formal requirements pertaining to formatting of specification and illustrations.


Patent Illustrations

We have advanced/latest version of software with expert colleagues who can turn your ideas/sketches to patent rules compliant drawings/illustrations.


Patent Proofreading

Proofreading a patent specification is not just matter of checking grammars and spellings. We have a 10-point checklist to ensure that your patent specification is bereft of any major or minor formalities error.


Patent Specification Consulting

Often times, our clients draft their own patent specifications and we are asked to review and advise them on claims, enablement, sufficiency, fall-back options, patent profanity etc. We are also able to take your own drafted patent specification and turn it around.