June 15, 2022 In Legal Support, Patent, Patent

Why Should Start-Ups File A Trademark?

In legal terms, the trademark is the mark used to graphically represent your brand. Trademarks distinguish your products and/or services from that of the competitors in the industry. For a start-up company, brand name, logo and product/service are of great importance. So, start-up companies need to secure their intellectual assets through legal registration. When it comes to logo and brand name, trademark registration is a must. Patenting in India protects your brand from identity theft.

Importance Of Trademarks For Start-Ups:

  • Trademark enables your clients to distinguish your brand and product/services from other similar brands.
  • It can influence your customers and distinguish it from the established competitors in the market.
  • It even encourages start-ups to keep up their quality standards and offer the best quality products in the market to improve their brand value.
  • As the start-up expands to an established business, the trademark becomes a competitive advantage over time.
  • A single trademark can promote your brand across different cultures and territories.

How essential is a trademark for start-ups?

For a start-up, it is essential to register a trademark to get the proprietary rights over the mark. Trademark provides complete legal protection to your brand/logo and secures it from illicit usage and references. With trademark protection, you get the rights to take legal action against fraud and repulsive competition.