September 13, 2022 In International, Trademark

Trademark Filling Requirements

1) Registrable Trade Marks

  • A distinctive logo, sign, names, symbols, letters, words, signatures, numerals, devices, brands, labels, shapes, colours and sound.
  • 3D Marks – Available
  • Colour Marks – Available
  • Multiple classes – Available
  • Filing international registration under Madrid Agreement –Available

2) Documents for Filing

  • Name, Nationality and Address of the Applicant
  • Status of Applicant i.e. Company or individual
  • Specific description of the list of goods. General terms are not accepted.(No Limitation on the number of specification of goods/services)
  • Filing basis is required: Intention to use or actual use. If the application is filed on the basis of intent to use, evidence of actual use will be required before registration is granted.
  • A clear representation of the trademark (in JPEG or PDF)

3) Required Forms

Simply signed Power of Attorney (POA)

4) Publication Period

30 days.

5) Extension of time for responding to Office Action

Allowed with cost

6) Registration Protection Period

10 years from the date of filing54

7) Date of Renewal

Renewable for successive period of 10 years. Renewal fees must be paid before the expiry date but not more than 6 months prior to expiry. Late renewals are available up to 6 months after the expiry date with late payment fees.

8) Time frame for Registration

18 months

9) Where Priority is claimed