September 14, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Criterion To Qualify Trademark Registration In Malaysia

For any business selling their products and/or services to the public of Malaysia or any part of the world must have the rights to protect them. Upon trademark registration in Malaysia, the owner of the mark gets exclusive…

August 24, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Learn About How To Get Singapore Trademark For Your Indian Brand

Are you looking to expand your business to Singapore? This blog is about protecting your Indian brand in Singapore market through the Singapore trademarks registration. Safeguarding your brand outside India means acquiring the trademark rights in the export…

May 30, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Why Should I Apply For A Trademark When Selling In Indonesia?

Once you set your brand in Indonesia, your PT PMA (Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing) must have a trademark registration. It is really important for you to trademark register your company to protect it from identity theft. Your business…

May 9, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

What is Trademark Assignment In India?

Like every other intellectual property, trademark too can be transfered from one owner to the other. Temporary assignment of trademark is regarded as Licensing and permanent assignment is referred to as Trademark assignment. Trademark assignments are of two types…

May 4, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Can One Change The Font Of An Already Registered Trademark At Their Will In China?

Trademarks registered in China are valid for 10 years. With the evolving brand strategies and trends, owners of the trademark tend to bring in minor alterations in the font of their trademark to go with the changing trends. So…

May 1, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Answers To The Most Common Queries On Trademark Registration In Bangladesh

This article sums up the few most commonly asked questions and respective answers on trademark registration in Bangladesh. 1. Where should the application for trademark registration be filed in Bangladesh? A. The Department of Patents, Designs & Trademarks is…

April 26, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Should My Logo Be Copyrighted or Trademarked?

There are tons of confusion swirling around when it comes to the protection of a logo. The very first one being whether to trademark or copyright protect the logo. For this, you first need to know the difference…

January 16, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Risks Involved When Failing To Renew The Trademark On Time

Once trademark registered the protection is valid for 10, 15 or 20 years depending on the country where the company is registered. Indefinite protection can be achieved by renewing the mark as it approaches the date of expiry….

January 4, 2023 In Assignment, Copy Right

Tips To Avoid Getting Objection On A Trademark Application

Trademark objection is raised when a trademark application filed fails to meet the rules and guidelines set by the concerned authorities. The trademark examiner could raise an objection for various reasons like similarity to any existing mark, hurting…

November 16, 2022 In Assignment, Copy Right

What Is Infringement Of Trademark In India?

What Amounts To Trademark Infringement In India? Infringement of trademark refers to the unauthorized use of a registered trademark. It means a violation of the exclusive rights granted to the owner of the registered mark. This unauthorized use could…