May 30, 2023 In Trademark

Why Should I Apply For A Trademark When Selling In Indonesia?

Once you set your brand in Indonesia, your PT PMA (Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing) must have a trademark registration. It is really important for you to trademark register your company to protect it from identity theft. Your business will have to come across various consequences if not protected with a trademark. Here are some reasons for why Indonesia trademark registration is important:

First To File

As per the 2001 Trademark Act, Indonesia gives priority to the one who files Indonesia trademark first. In precise, businesses, be it foreign-owned or a limited liability one, will get top priority to use the mark if it is the first company to file Indonesia trademarks for brand name/logo/design whatsoever it is. Failing to file the trademark may sometimes lead to loss of your identity to the competitor. Indonesian trademark in the early stage is definitely a necessity to make your brand unique and broadly accepted in Indonesia.

Increase Your Business Value

Indonesia trademark is not just a patented symbol. Trademarks have a value of their own and can be traded as well. There are many ways of trading your trademark other than selling it. Through licensing, you are giving other parties the legal rights to use the trademarks in the future. Your Indonesia trademark can also be franchised. After expanding your business and getting Indonesia trademark registration, you can build a network through franchising that shows your growth and makes your profit boost up significantly.

Avoid Passing Off

Infringement and passing off are the two common problems that businesses have to deal with in connection to Indonesia trademark registration. Passing off is complex when compared to infringement as infringement can be officially clearly upon submitting the Indonesia trademark registration certificate. Passing off, on the other hand, require more evidence, time and can even hit your company’s budget. Getting the Indonesia trademark registration right at the beginning can keep your brand safe from infringement and passing off.

Prove The Originality of Your Company

Indonesia being an industrially developing country, there are chances for you to come across numerous competitors vending the same product as yours. The presence of Indonesia trademark averts your product from the confusions that commonly occur in the market. Apart from being a valuable asset, Indonesia trademark is a great advertisement tool to let know the presence of your brand.

So, as you expand your brand to Indonesia, make sure to secure your brand through Indonesia trademark registration.